Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: why pray together?

There’s a prayer meeting at my church tonight. Instead of feeling energised by the thought of praying with others, an unexplained tiredness falls heavy on me. Maybe I should go home to rest. I won’t be missing much, will I?Yes, I’m describing a personal struggle here. Perhaps you too have wondered: Why should I participate in corporate prayer? Can’t I just pray

ODJ: one great commission

In the 1800s British missionary Hudson Taylor sensed God’s call to reach the people of China with the good news. During decades of ministry, more than 800 missionaries were established and 125,000 Chinese became believers in Jesus. Taylor once said, “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”As we look into Jesus’ words, we find a

ODJ: doing big things

In the early 1990s, the South African Broadcasting Corporation concluded its official programming at midnight and then played music through the night. Upon hearing songs with a Christian message being played, a man discovered that a young woman was selecting the overnight music, so he and his church provided her with a vast collection of spiritually-themed songs. Christ-centred music was played ov

ODJ: who’s in charge?

Happy Ascension Day! This day marks the time when Jesus was “taken up into” heaven 40 days after rising from the dead (Acts 1:9).Just before He ascended, Jesus announced to His disciples that He had been “given all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). This was a bold declaration—spoken like someone who saw Himself in charge.Some have wondered how Jesus&r

ODJ: where we are

I took the day off from work to experience some much-needed silence and solitude. My life was brimming with good things: family, friends and ministry in the church. I had much to be thankful for, but internally I was struggling with one thing—something I wanted to talk to God about it.While sitting on a park bench, overlooking a pond, I noticed a robin covering a wide swathe of ground as it

ODJ: like new

When our washing machine malfunctioned it spewed water through a heating vent and into our basement—drenching wallboard and carpeting. To prevent mould, we had to hire a company that set up special fans inside our house. The company’s motto read: “We will make it like new.”David wanted his spiritual life to become “like new” after committing adultery with Bathsh

ODJ: reaching the margins

In Mumbai, India, a boy named Lakhan lives with his elderly grandmother, Sakubai. Lakhan has cerebral palsy and is deaf. With no home or family to help care for him and Sakubai, they slept on the pavement behind a small bus stop. A published photo shows 9 year old Lakhan tied to a pole—the only way his grandmother could ensure his safety when she went out to search for work. Sakubai explaine

ODJ: speaking well

In May 2014, 8 year old Abby Porter was in a car being driven by her mother when her mum suffered a medical emergency. Abby immediately grabbed the wheel and was able to control the vehicle until a police officer helped stop the car safely. After the event, the officer related how he told Abby to put the automatic car in PARK, to which she responded, “I don’t know how!”Wha

ODJ: if our hearts . . .

As I stood deep in the bush of rural Uganda watching a rig I’d contracted to drill a well for 700 impoverished villagers, an elderly man approached me. He grasped my hands and in broken English said, “If you could open my heart and view inside, you would see happiness on top of happiness on top of happiness for this water God has provided.”Though I couldn’t see within the