Featured Devotionals

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Participating with Christ

John Calvin (1509–64), in his commentary on 2 Peter 1:4, suggests, “The purpose of the Gospel is to make us sooner or later like God . . . a kind of deification.”

Fires and Faith

If I’m hiking and camping out for several days, campfires are vital. And the most important thing I carry with me as I begin each day is a handful of charred sticks from the previous night’s fire.

Walking in Jesus’ Shoes

Renowned psychotherapist and physician Alfred Adler stressed the need to understand individuals within their social context. Calling for compassion and empathy in relating to others

Freedom of Speech

In the minutes leading up to a difficult conversation, my mind was racing. When I chose to pray, however, and to consider how I could apply biblical principles to the situation, my thoughts shifted.

Open the Door

Each Friday, five brothers in Christ open the door to a conference room and then open our hearts. We share our sins, our successes—our very lives—together.


Situated between old neighborhoods and new businesses, a 30-year-old community pool seems oddly out of place. The old pool and its adjacent building sag from forlorn neglect.

A Healthy Lifestyle

Recently, I attended a presentation on heart attack prevention. The speaker reminded us to make healthy lifestyle choices that help reduce the risks of having a heart attack.

Lowered To Be Raised

“This is going to be good.” While enjoying some coffee and catching up on life’s changes, I shared with my friend about a difficult choice I had made regarding my ministry responsibilities.

In The Shade

Since my college days, I’ve always enjoyed a good cup of coffee. Far from a true connoisseur, however, I’ve stocked my supply with everything from the brand on sale at the grocery store to the flavored blends at a specialty shop.