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Tag Archive for: Bible

Drawing of woman praying with text overlay of Why we struggle to pray

Why We Struggle To Pray

We all know that God yearns to fellowship with us in prayer, but it can be a challenge to know what to pray for or to intentionally set aside time to pray. Whether it’s a sin stopping us from going to God or we’ve been too busy entertaining the distractions of life, let’s explore some hindrances that prevent us from going to God in prayer.

Forget Resolutions, Set Life Goals

With every new year that rolls around, we often make resolutions but fail to keep them, leaving us feeling defeated or discouraged mid way through the year. But what if we forget about making resolutions, and instead set life-goals to help us live each day intentionally, through a life-long journey of knowing Christ?

Why We can Still have A Merry Christmas

Whether you’re living through a Covid-19 free Christmas, or in the middle of it, we can all agree that the most wonderful time of the year certainly doesn’t feel like one this year.

6 Things Not To Forget Every Christmas

We’re just one week away to Christmas! Here are 6 things we shouldn’t forget this Christmas!

Don’t Lose Heart

We may have started the year feeling like pristine jars; beautiful, untouched, and full of hope. But the year chipped away at us, leaving us feeling like broken, cracked jars, unworthy of containing anything within.

When God seems silent

“Hello darkness, my old friend." Seasons when God seems silent are painful times to go through, and can seem a lot like the darkness that lingers beyond the night.

The 11 Myths Of Singleness

This Single’s Day, come with us as we debunk the 11 myths about singleness and help each other rethink how we can better relate to singles in our midst, and encourage each other to pursue the identity that matters most.

Food Facts From The Bible

Food comforts us and nourishes us. Food connects us and defines us. Sharing a meal with family and friends is more than just filling our stomachs, it’s about inviting others into our heart and into our lives, of stories shared and swapped at the dining table. 
Student sitting using his laptop

Feeling Overwhelmed by Information?

At first his opinion sounded okay, especially given the fact that he was proclaimed an expert. But the more I listened, the more I felt a check in my spirit. Something didn’t sit quite right with me.