Tag Archive for: workplace

4 Realities to Prepare Yourself for in the Workplace
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It’s exciting to be a part of the workforce. You’re already fantasising about your dream job, thinking of your first pay, being involved in important meetings and projects.
But before you trade your beat-up sneakers for expensive leather shoes, here are some realities and truths to keep in mind as you start this new chapter in your life.

How to Rely on God in the Workplace
You don’t have to be in the workplace for too long before challenges come your way. A difficult colleague, a demanding boss, an overwhelming workload.
Hardships steer us to rely on God, and to ask, “What can God do?” instead of “What can I do?”.

Is it Okay for a Christian to be Ambitious?
It’s a word that can cause great angst amongst Christians. And for good reason. We often associate it with a “win at all costs”, “stab your competition in the back” mentality, especially when it comes to the workplace.

5 Signs God is at Work in Your Life | YMI
Whatever you may be going through, there’s no safer place to be than in the hands of God. He’s still working in your life, and He's holding the whole world—and yours—in His hands.

3 Ways to Love Your Unlovely Colleagues
Sacrificial love is hard, even when it is directed towards someone we truly love.
But loving someone we don’t love—someone who makes our life miserable and difficult, well, that feels almost impossible at times!

3 Things God Taught Me About My Motives at Work
It’s been a year and a half since my last burnout. I remember the tightness in my chest, the shortness of breath, and lots of tears from feeling so overwhelmed by work. After leaving that job for a workplace that I thought would lead to better opportunities, what I had expected to be a hopeful beginning soon crumbled to pieces.

3 Problems When We Tie Our Identity to Our Work
What questions do you normally ask someone when you meet them for the first time? My guess is that after asking their name, one of the most likely questions you ask is, “What do you do for work?”.
But have you noticed how people often respond? Not by saying, “I work as a lawyer”, but “I am a lawyer”. We live in a world of “I am what I do”, where our identity is tied to our work.

2 Moves Towards Building a Better Relationship with Your Workmates
When two sinful people work together, it’s inevitable that we’ll rub one another up the wrong way.
That’s perhaps the starting point to building great working relationships with our colleagues—recognising that challenges and frustrations with colleagues will always be a feature of work this side of eternity.
But that doesn’t mean we should simply resign ourselves to this fact and just “suck it up”. The world will encourage us to respond by moving away, and that does make sense, but it’s not what God would want us to do.

How to Come Out as a Christian at Work
It’s scary to be a Christian in today’s workplace.
If anyone finds out that we’re a Christian, there’s a good chance they will automatically assume we are haters, bigots, and racists. We will have awkward conversations defending our views on religion. So it’s natural that we want to stay quiet, never let anyone know that we’re a Christian, and avoid any talk about Jesus.