
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Selfishness. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Selfishness.

Tag Archive for: selfishness

When God’s Call Isn’t Clear

People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.

5 Ways to Live for Yourself

What’s all this about “denying yourself” and “living for others”? Look, I know we can’t decide when we were born and when we will die, but come on, I have every right to decide how I should live. This life belongs to me.

A Letter To My Future Self

Dear Future Self, Hey! Hello there! Howdy doo! Yes, I need to remind you that you are still weird—that’s my obligation as your past. You are welcome.

Why is there a need to give up our selfish desires?

Why is there a need to give up our selfish desires?

ODJ: earth’s shadow

When I see the moon at its thinnest stage, I sometimes think of a passage I read in Flannery O’Connor’s A Prayer Journal. The writer composed these poetic words for God: