
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Relationships. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Relationships.

Tag Archive for: relationships

X-Men: Dark Phoenix and Our Desire to Belong

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) is the first in the X-Men franchise to feature a female lead, hot off the heels of successes like Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman.
Couple holding one another in a courtyard

3 Questions to Ask When You’re Dating

Dating can be such a thrilling adventure, especially since it might possibly lead to marriage! However, before we even step into a relationship, there may be many questions in our minds. For instance, how can I know that I’m ready for a relationship?
Girl alone in the forest - how to deal with the question why are you still single

5 Ways to Deal with the Question, “Why Are You Still Single?”

“It’s a new year already but I see you’re still single, eh?” “When are you getting a boyfriend?” “You know, your friend from high school already has two children. When will you be like her?”

Why I’m Afraid of Being Vulnerable

There was a night a number of years ago that still stings a little when I recall it. I had been interested in a girl and finally found the nerve to tell her how I felt. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done.
Girl lying down with flowers in a grass field

4 Ways to Navigate A Painful Break-Up

Heartbreak. Tears. A breakup you never saw coming. Do you remember it? The moment your heart was shattered into a million pieces?
Couple holding hands showcasing both of their wedding bands

5 Ways to Refresh Your Marriage This Valentine’s Day

No matter how many or how few years anyone has been married, the word “refresh” always sounds appealing.
Couple staring deeply into each others eyes

When Love Didn’t Come at First Sight

“What about Dakotah? Are you sure you two aren’t a thing?” For months I had been fielding this same question from my family and other friends from campus ministry.
Girl alone in the park - Choosing to stay single this season

Why I’m Choosing to Stay Single This Season

The standard answer I have on hand whenever people inquire about my single status is that I have not met Mr Right.
Paper mache broken heart

Finding Hope After A Bad Break-Up

I first started dating him in March, 2010. We met during some classes we shared in college. He grew up in a Christian family, so I thought that since we shared the same faith, we would surely be able to navigate the storms of life together.