Michelle Lai

Learn more about Michelle Lai and check out Michelle Lai’s contributions to YMI over the years.

Tag Archive for: Michelle Lai

Man scrolling on his phone while flying

Would Jesus Like Your Post On Social Media?

If God were on social media, would He like your post? I used to take to Instagram daily. I would post a picture with a caption telling my followers what I felt at the moment. I would post sad reflections, happy anecdotes, and even angry rants. It was my way of expressing myself and dealing with boredom and loneliness. I could “talk” to my followers without actually engaging in a conversation or meeting up with anyone.
Woman with a white sheet waving over her face

My Fight Against FOMO

Do you have FOMO? I first heard this acronym in my church last October, when a university student shared about her struggle to manage her time after entering university; she had to balance her studies, church activities, social activities, and quiet time with God.

I Wanted to Sing, But God’s Track was Different

I had always loved singing and wanted to join the singing club in school. However, God had a different track in mind for me.

Depression Led Me to Jesus

My depression started in December 2006; there was no trigger. I just remember feeling sad on a school trip to Japan and tired all the time.

The Day My Heart Stopped

In the second half of 2015, I was appointed cell group leader in my university’s Christian Fellowship (CF). It was my first time serving as cell group leader, so I took on the role excitedly.