Tag Archive for: living by the spirit
Making Decisions—How to Trust the Spirit (and Not Just Your Gut)
What course should I take?
What career should I pursue?
Who should I date—and marry?
Making decisions in life is hard enough, but it’s even harder as a Christian...
Real Thoughts About Real Temptation
Is there such a thing as a monthly sin? Because I think I have one of those. Okay, maybe more often than just once a month.
When God’s Call Isn’t Clear
People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.
How Can We Be “In the World, But Not of It”?
In regard to my choice of college, I was fully IN the world. I attended a large state university, where students that I lived with smoked various substances, drank under-age, partied, slept around, and neglected class work.