Jesus Christ

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Tag Archive for: Jesus Christ

ODJ: a private problem

Pastor. Husband. Father. Sex addict. Nate Larkin’s addiction first began after he visited the red-light district. He was on a sponsored field trip at the time, intending to educate Bible college students about the sex industry.

ODJ: a new genesis

A couple of years ago as I was driving our son to kindergarten, our conversation turned to resurrection. Understandably he was perplexed about what it meant and how it worked.

ODJ: the rolling stone

Jesus was dead—witnessed by His executioners (Mark 15:37-39), confirmed by Pilate (15:44-45) and attested by two high-court judges who prepared His lifeless body for burial (v.43; John 3:1,19:38-39). Jesus was laid in a new tomb that had been carved out of rock. The entrance was sealed by an extremely large, round stone (Mark 15:46). It would take many strong men to move the 1 to 2 tonne door. T

ODJ: why the Bible matters

In his article Does the Bible Matter in the 21st Century? 
 author Vishal Mangalwadi lifts up the inestimable 
 worth of God’s Word. He also notes that bad things happen when a country chooses to ignore the Bible’s wisdom. He writes, “[America] was built by an ethic—a spirituality that taught citizens to work, earn, save, invest and use their wealth to serve their neighbours. This bibl

ODJ: rescued from darkness

In Clint Eastwood’s movie Gran Torino, Walt Kowalski is a cranky Korean War vet disgusted by the gangs now running his community.

ODJ: as it is in heaven

In the “Lord’s prayer,” Jesus encouraged His followers to pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done “on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

ODJ: affected

Rachel, the daughter of fellow ODJ author Jeff Olson, is a young woman I love as if she were my own. Recently she completed an 8 month missions trip. During that time I became concerned when she contracted malaria while serving in a rural part of Kenya. Fortunately her health was restored after taking some strong medication. Rachel’s ministry for Jesus definitely caused her to be affected physic

ODJ: saving little ones

Jenny grew up in a home where both parents engaged in extramarital affairs and were prone to violence. In this setting Jenny soon became emotionally and physically neglected—and vulnerable to others.

ODJ: disney’s gospel

As my family was leaving the park after a fun day at Disney, the loudspeakers were playing a happy song with the chorus, “In everything you do, celebrate you!” The song reminded me of the earlier parade that encouraged us to celebrate our dreams, “whatever they are”. My 12 year old son, the apparent cynic in the family, proclaimed that his dream was to take over the world. Should that be c