God’s love

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Tag Archive for: God’s love

ODJ: dinner and a sinner

Several years ago, while on holiday in America, my family noticed a large crowd forming in front of a popular theater. The word on the street was that Colin Powell, the American Secretary of State at the time, was coming to the theater that evening to watch a play. We quickly learned that watching high-ranking public officials come and go was a favourite pastime of tourists.
In Jesus’ day the

ODJ: what God looks like

In March of 2012 Americans listened with regret and repulsion as we heard reports of an American soldier in Afghanistan who went on a killing spree in a rural Afghan village. This rogue soldier massacred 16 civilian Afghanis. This is an absolute horror. The aftermath compounds our grief because these evil actions (and several other travesties) will, for some, define American ideals to their Afgha

ODB: Help Yourself

Recently, I saw a television ad for a restaurant chain that made a dramatic claim. At those restaurants, the ad said you could “Help Yourself to Happiness.” Wouldn’t it be nice if a helping of potatoes or meat or pasta or dessert would be all that was needed to provide happiness? Unfortunately, no restaurant can fulfill that promise.Happiness is an elusive thing—as we can see in almost eve

ODB: The Good Life

Beauty, wealth, power, love, marriage, and pleasure are good things, but they’re not the best. The best is loving God and taking in His love—bringing Him glory and making Him our friend for life. That leads to the best possible life because it gives us satisfaction and joy now (John 10:10), and it’s what Christians are going to be doing forever.That’s why we should make time for God and re

ODJ: simply love

The hope of change is in the air as we enter the New Year. It’s the anticipation of a new outlook or a new direction or the chance to do things differently. 
At the turn of the first century, the Jewish people were anticipating a change. In many ways they were still reeling from being captured by the Babylonians—something that had taken place more than 600 years earlier. Their aggressors had