
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Friendship. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Friendship.

Tag Archive for: Friendship

When Depression Drove Me Away From God

I have been struggling with depression all my life, but recently, I hit a breaking point. I was furious at the Lord, questioning why He had not taken this illness away.
Two girls laughing sitting on a log

Am I Responsible for My Friend’s Salvation?

I remember the moment l entered a relationship with Jesus as though it were yesterday. It happened 10 years ago, on a chilly January evening. My friend Hannah led me in prayer and confession while we were seated in her car, parked outside a supermarket.

A Letter to the Friend Who Feels Like Giving Up on God

Dear friend, I was devastated when you told me that you’ve decided to “give up” on God. But in some ways, your decision didn’t come as a complete surprise to me.

What If My Closest Friends Are Not Christians?

At the moment, I find forming friendships in church quite challenging. Moving to a new city, as well as health issues, is probably part of the reason. I also have trouble connecting deeply with people at church, even though I join small groups, volunteer for service, and participate in church events.

When I Befriended the Friendless

I met John when I was working at a library in Singapore. He had a routine he performed every morning when the library opened. First, he would greet everyone loudly and shake hands with the library staff present.

Why Do I Long to Feel Loved?

I grew up in a warm and affectionate family, and have never needed to work for my family’s love. However, I’ve found that I am easily jealous for the affections of my close friends. Whenever my close friends are more concerned for other friends than they are for me, I feel an inexplicable sense of disappointment.

Why Is It So Difficult to Make Friends?

It started as a simple plan—“Come meet us at the splashpad with your little ones.” This email from the Children’s Director at our church was a great idea.

My Friend Is In God’s Hands

Yen* and I walked down a narrow alley in silence. A few days earlier, Yen had sent me a text message: “I want to go to this clinic where you can check for AIDS…”

3 Tips for Handling Conflicts from the Trump-Kim Summit

So, it finally happened. Yesterday (12 June) the world stopped as US president Donald J Trump met with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un to hash out their plans for world peace.