Tag Archive for: accountability

Red Flags You Should Never Ignore
I was dating the “edgy Christian guy” who played guitar in the worship team and wore cool shoes. He also exhibited small but worrying behaviours at times, but I figured I would be able to fix them.

How to Fall and Fail Better
As Christians, we need not feel like we can only share our stories when it’s a success story. Stories of ongoing growth—which necessarily include failures—deserve to be heard, too.

3 Helpful Practices We Do as Newlyweds
It has been nine months since my husband and I exchanged our wedding vows, and every time I look at my husband, my heart grows warm with gratitude. Every day I am amazed at how good God is to have brought him into my life.
Some people would probably dismiss this as a “honeymoon” phase, especially those who see marriage as a scary commitment, rife with burden and trouble.

My Friend is Dating a Non-Christian. What Should I Do?
I was that friend who once dated a non-Christian. Let me tell you my story.

Why We Saved Our First Kiss for the Wedding
On New Year’s Day this year, great anticipation gripped my heart as I walked down the aisle. At the altar stood my soon-to-be husband, Kaizer. We had finally arrived at our long-awaited moment—our first kiss.

3 Habits You Didn’t Realize You Need to Weed Out
I find making New Year’s resolutions a bit of a chore, mainly because my lists are predictable and I would have broken most of my good intentions by the end of January.
But the start of a new year is always good for fresh beginnings, and I’m determined that 2020 will be different!

3 Reasons Why We Should Stop Church-Shopping
Are you guilty of church-shopping?
Church-shopping is when people…

ODJ: blameless
Pastor guilty of bilking money from elderly woman . . . Church elder convicted of accounting fraud . . . Pastor of megachurch accused of financial misappropriation.
Headlines like these tell of an insidious sin that has plagued the church since it began (Acts 5:1-5; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Timothy 6:3-5).
As a minister of the gospel, the apostle Paul was careful to ensure that his conduct an
Headlines like these tell of an insidious sin that has plagued the church since it began (Acts 5:1-5; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Timothy 6:3-5).
As a minister of the gospel, the apostle Paul was careful to ensure that his conduct an

ODJ: cover up
The ambiguity lasted until the 19th century, when Johannes Schulthess discovered a letter written by Zwingli in the archives in Zurich. The reformer’s words revealed that he had been guilty, but also that he had recommitted to living a chaste life.
Schulthess didn’t want to tarnish his hero’s legacy, so he showed the letter to his student and then held it in the flame of his candle. A
Schulthess didn’t want to tarnish his hero’s legacy, so he showed the letter to his student and then held it in the flame of his candle. A