Asia Pacific

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Asia Pacific. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Asia Pacific.


A Radical Reorientation

After His denunciations of the Pharisees, Jesus now warns His disciples against hypocrisy. One day, everything will be made known, even the secrets and desires of the heart, and so we should live now with that Judgment Day in mind (vv. 2–10).

ODB: Love God by Loving Others

The Alba family experienced the rare occurrence of birthing two sets of identical twins just thirteen months apart.

ODB: Renaissance in Jesus

We know Leonardo da Vinci as the renaissance man. His intellectual prowess led to advances across multiple fields of study and the arts.

ODB: Extravagant Love

My seatmate on the flight told me she was nonreligious and had immigrated to a town that was home to numerous Christians.

Genuine Discipleship

How many people attend your church? How many accepted Christ at your evangelistic service last Sunday? How many converts have you seen this year?

ODB: Next Step of Love

What would cause someone to help a competitor? For a restaurant owner named Adolfo in Wisconsin, it was the opportunity to encourage other struggling local restaurant owners adapting to Covid regulations.
If anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them (1 John 2:5)

Typography: 1 John 2:5

Think about a godly person you've had the pleasure of knowing. What do you think makes this person different from most?

Extravagant Love

Luke now takes us into the home of a Pharisee called Simon, where Jesus is the guest of honour at a meal.

ODB: Helping as God Helps Us

Ole Kassow of Copenhagen loved bicycling. One morning, when he saw an elderly man sitting alone with his walker in a park, Ole felt inspired by a simple idea: why not offer elderly people the joy and freedom of a bike ride.