Building a relationship with God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Building a relationship with God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Building a relationship with God.

Learning to Love God in the Midst of Grief

The church was full: full of faces, food, color and noise. And yet, it somehow felt empty. To an outsider, it may have looked like a party . . . but the one person we were there to honor wasn’t able to celebrate with us.
Illustration of a boy with a bird

3 Ways to Glorify God With Your Emotions

Motherhood has revealed that I’m not the calm person I once thought I was. One minute, I’m upset with my son for not cleaning up his toys; the next, I’m laughing as he pats his crayons to sleep. Joy, frustration, delight, exhaustion, empathy, impatience, excitement, sadness—it’s a daily rollercoaster of emotions.

Learning to Love God in the Midst of Crises

We watched the waters rise around our home. After days of rain, with only more days of rain in the coming forecast, we decided to pack up what we could, and go spend the night at our neighbors’ in their upstairs guest bedroom.

4 Signs That God Isn’t Your First Love

I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but one truth I’ve learned is that life doesn’t get easier and I’m still self-centered and proud. At times, even more than I realize.

What My Failed Blind Date Taught Me About God

I could feel my heart pulsing. Any sense of calm I’d been harboring fled like an outgoing tide. In the Pacific Northwest, I experienced a similar feeling looking over the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the wild Pacific Ocean. This time the cause was even more intimidating—I was on a blind date.

Letting Go of All the Things I’ve Hoped For

I finally got a late acceptance to present at one of the top conferences in my field this November. Ever since I’ve heard about this conference, attending it has been on my “life goals” list, a milestone in my PhD career.

Trekking On When Life Feels Hopeless

A few years ago, my friend and I attempted the relatively simple Helambu Trek in Nepal without a guide. We began the trip after conducting some research and loading the maps on our phones. The first half of the trek went smoothly. We managed to reach our scheduled rest point for each day and were continually amazed by the magnificent scenery.

I Was Told I Would Be A Failure

“You’ll never make it in marketing; you’re too shy and quiet,” my professor told me, “I think you should change your major.” I have since replayed this memory many times.

How God Comforted Me in the Midst of Pain

Nobody told me how hard it was going to be. Nobody told me about the emotional roller-coaster ride I would go on after hearing the words of the emergency room doctor, “Your daughter needs immediate attention at a larger hospital.”