
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under World. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: World.

Woman drinking coffee looking at snowfall through the window

5 Practical Ways to Savor Christ this Christmas

Last year, my kids and I snuggled up to read a Christmas story. It’s the story of a boy whose parents are determined to throw him an epic birthday party—replete with guests, food, decor and party favors.
Man sitting down reading next to a Christmas tree

When Crisis Strikes at Christmas

I will never forget Christmas Day, 2014. It was the day my wife had a panic attack. We were getting ready to leave for church that day.
Woman holding her phone typing

How to Disagree on Facebook

During college, I helped lead our campus ministry. One time, I got into an argument with one of my co-leaders. Somehow I ended up losing my cool and yelling at her.
vegan fruit bowl on top of a magazine

Can Christians Be Vegan?

You may be the type of person who hears the word “vegan” and turns away with a scoff and a roll of the eyes. That’s certainly how I used to respond before I began seriously considering the vegan* way of life.
Man sitting on the ground sipping coffee

Lessons From A Shooting Tragedy

August 19, 2013, began like any other Monday at Uptown Baptist Church in Chicago, USA. As usual, I handled routine administrative tasks and worked on my sermon for the evening service at our soup kitchen ministry. The church employees were in the office working and chatting. No one knew it would become a day marked by tragedy.
Martin Luther quote painting

5 Reasons Why the Reformation Matters Today

In a conversation about our favorite historical figures, I asked a coworker if he knew who Martin Luther was. He responded with, “Oh! Is that the guy who nailed stuff to the door?” “Yes, that’s him!” I said with a laugh.
Martin Luther

Martin Luther: And So He Died As He Lived

"And so he died as he lived." That's how Martin Luther was eulogized after his death on February 18, 1546, some 470 years ago.

Learning About FOMO from Lot’s Wife

I have a confession to make. I have to Google half the new words I come across these days. If you're an eighties baby like me, you can probably identify with this.
Woman holding her hands over her face in bed

I’m Not Who You See on Instagram

One square photo. One little box under our fingertip that we scroll through daily. That’s all it takes for us to form an opinion about someone or something.