Hunting for the Truth of Easter
Title: Hunting for the Truth of Easter
Artwork by: Elroi Teo and YMI
Description: We are in a constant search for something, whether it be the meaning of life or the reason for our existence. But this Easter, let us search through the Bible as we rediscover the significance of Easter, and why Jesus is the only one worth searching for.
Judas was searching for earthly treasures. But soon learned the consequences of his actions.
Thirty pieces of silver was all it took for Judas to betray Jesus. When his act of treachery was discovered, Judas felt remorseful and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. He confessed he had sinned, and innocent blood had been betrayed in the process. Judas’s story is an example of the dangers of an unguarded heart, of a heart that wants what it wants. We are to guard our hearts to prevent ourselves from being swept away by the currents of temptation, or in Judas’s case, exchanging Jesus for fleeting earthly treasures such as status, or material wealth. What can we do today to guard our hearts in the face of temptation, and to stand firm in Jesus?
Peter was looking for a way to show Jesus his love for him. But ended up denying Jesus.
Peter trusted in his own strength when he told Jesus he would not betray him. Yet Peter went on to deny Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. Peter wept bitter tears when he realized what he had done, and asked Jesus to forgive him. Like Peter, none of us are perfect, and as willing as we are to love Jesus perfectly, our weaknesses and failures often become our stumbling block. Fortunately, we are able to bring all these to the cross, and Jesus will meet us there to restore and refresh us. Will we look to Jesus today as the only one who refreshes and restores us?
Two thieves were looking for salvation. But only one accepted His invitation.
We often cry to God to save us from earthly struggles, but find it incredibly hard to believe we have already been saved from our struggles. We tell Jesus to remember us in Heaven, forgetting the invitation has already been extended to us. Jesus died on the cross for our salvation, and that means we are now able to spend eternity with Him in paradise. But when we think of heaven, do we think of it as simply a place where there will be no more tears and suffering? Or do we look forward to heaven because we get to be with Jesus, and to worship Him?
Mary (Jesus’ mother) and Mary were seeking for Jesus’ body. But all they found was an empty tomb.
Jesus’ mom and Mary were upset and disappointed when they discovered His tomb was empty. But they were met by an angel, who told them the one they are looking for has risen. Upon hearing this, the women rejoiced. Like them, we too can rejoice, in knowing Jesus has overcome death at the cross, and rejoice in knowing death no longer has any power or hold on us. We should constantly remind ourselves that the Lord has indeed risen, and the resurrected Christ is still very much alive today. It can be easy to tune our hearts out to Jesus, and relegate him to the dusty recesses of our minds. But let us keep Him alive in our hearts today.
Thomas was looking for evidence that Jesus has risen. But his encounter with Jesus revealed his doubt and unbelief.
It is hard to believe in something we cannot see, but this is where faith comes in. We have to believe that Jesus has risen, and that He is alive. If you are struggling with unbelief, call out to God to show you that he is real. He wants us to know the truth, and He will reveal Himself to us in due time. Let us cast aside our unbelief, and reach out to Jesus.
Amazing. I am blessed by this. Especially when we are reminded that heaven is not just a place for no more suffering and sorrow, but a place to Forever be with God and worship him.
I am blessed to learning all of this
May God increase our faith and give us more grace to trust and believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Many thanks to ODB Team for these excerpts. This is revealing and transforming. Looking forward to seeing more of these.
Thanks you for sharing thiese scarce truth. I pray for more insight to the word of God for us all. Amen
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing this. I really resonated with Peter desiring to show his love for Jesus but doing it the wrong way. Having confidence in himself rather than recognising that on his own he could not do anything for Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit would provide that strength to do things for the Almighty. May we search for Christ daily. God bless you.
Awesome! Always a great reminder that the Lord Jesus is in heaven and we will get there to worship Him.
That’s the hope that Easter brings to each one of us as believers.
This article brought to limelight that the very essence of Easter celebration surpasses wining and dining but the confirmation of mankind redemption and salvation from the eternal death. Christians can only attain one’s full potentials in life and eternal life only through the power of Holy Ghost, our Comforter.
I just want to say, ‘Thank you Our Daily Bread’. Since the 1970’s your articles have been a good companion to my family. May the Almighty bless all the workers who bake this Bread.