Capturing Purpose
Title: Capturing Purpose
Description: We asked a bunch of creative Christian photographers to capture a photo that defines their purpose. We were intrigued to find out what their views and perspectives were. Each of us has a different purpose in life, and use our skills, gifts, and interests to express it in different ways. However, at the heart of it all, there is one thing that ties our purpose together—our desire to glorify God’s name.
What is your purpose? How would you capture it?
Purpose Through Stillness
Photographed by: Cheryl (@cherrrrrz)
I often wonder what is God’s purpose in my life. Are my goals and decisions in line with His purpose?
When I witnessed the calm flow of the ocean, I was once again reminded of stillness. Being still before God’s presence has taught me that He is faithful and He has complete sovereignty over my life. I don’t have to worry about what lies ahead!
I believe that God will guide the waves of our life by providing people and opportunities at every juncture. We only need to be still, have faith in Him and follow His leading to where we need to be.
The God-given Task
Photographed by: James (@ohsnapjames)
All of us strive to find purpose in our lives. We deem our lives meaningful when we find purpose in what we do, from our vocations to our families. In contrast, life can feel meaningless when we fail to fulfill a satisfying purpose.
When God created man in His image, He commanded them to work and care for His creation. He told them to procreate that His glory, as reflected in man, will fill the whole earth.
But it doesn’t stop there. For us who have received God’s grace through Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross, we have a greater purpose in our lives. Jesus commands us as His followers to go and make disciples of all nations. While God is glorified through the physical multiplication of man, He is also glorified through the spiritual multiplication of men who come to know, believe, and worship Him.
What is the purpose of my life then? It is to be a good steward of His creation, and play a part in the Great Commission to lead others to glorify Him and delight in Him too.
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38)
Photographed by: Clara (@theperfectstatement)
At the beginning of the year, I contemplated whether I should pursue my dream of being a full-time photographer. But I was hesitant to share this with my family and friends for many reasons. I was afraid that I wasn’t good enough. I was fearful of criticism and failure.
One morning, I was running at MacRitchie Reservoir when I was greeted by a beautiful ray of sunlight. It seemed like a reflection of God’s love to me, reminding me that I can be courageous because He is with me. So I took this jump of faith to pursue my dream.
In this season of my life, I firmly believe that my purpose lies in wedding photography. I hope to connect hearts and capture the genuine emotions of my clients in my photographs. When times are tough, I hope that they will serve as a reminder to the couples of their commitment to each other.
It has been tough taking this step of faith as I do not enjoy a stable income like my friends who draw a monthly corporate salary. But God has been bringing in clients faithfully every month and providing for my needs–reminding me that I have nothing to worry about when I walk in step with Him.
Photographed by: Joseph (@2eternity)
I captured this photo as I was witnessing an intense discussion between the three men. What I saw led me to question myself: Why don’t I engage people in such a manner more often? Am I afraid of offending people when I evangelise or speak the truth? Do I shun such conversations out of fear of rejection or strained relationships?
As a child of God, I am called to share Christ with others and to be a peacemaker. This knowledge gives me courage. By God’s strength and wisdom, I desire to speak of His love with grace in every season.
In Humble Awe
Photographed by: Joshua Ong (@joshieeeeee)
Does the grandeur of the mountains make you feel small but valued at the same time?
God created the universe meticulously. Likewise, He created us with the same meticulous care.
Shouldn’t this knowledge make us rejoice with every fibre of our being? Let us use each moment to bring glory and praise to the Creator who loves and cares for us.
Standing on this mountain top
Photographed by: Vania
Climbing a mountain is not my usual type of holiday activity. But I went ahead with it, wanting to feel a sense of achievement. I was determined to reach the top and prayed that God would help me in the climb.
I struggled on the way up but the view didn’t disappoint. As I stood on the mountain top, I felt like I was catching a glimpse of God and basking in His presence.
I’ve always known that God’s creation is beautiful, but it was my first time experiencing God so intimately in His creation.
“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3, ESV).
Like everyone else, my purpose for the climb was to reach the top and enjoy a great view. But I believe that God intended it for His purpose, that He may declare His existence and affirm me again as I strive to live a life of worship onto Him.
Fresh perspective
Photographed by Joash (@joashxleephoto)
Since I work as a photographer, my photography is limited to what I shoot for my clients as I rarely have time to take photos outside of work. It can be mundane at times and I constantly struggle to stay ahead in terms of creativity.
Going on a recent family trip to Japan gave me the time and space to explore new photography techniques and see things from different perspectives. More importantly, I was reminded that God is the original Creator and I can always look to Him for inspiration. These fresh viewpoints renewed my purpose in photography.
I used to put just enough effort into my shoots to deliver decently nice shots but now, I am motivated to deliver my best for my clients. When we enter a state of monotony, I believe that it is important to step back, take a break from the routine, and rediscover our purpose.
God will always be my source of creativity and I hope to continue glorifying Him through my photography.
Such lovely photos and inspiring stories!