ODJ: dangerous concessions
March 21, 2013
READ: Galatians 2
When Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong (v.11).
In 1857 a few white members of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) in South Africa asked permission to celebrate the Lord’s Supper separately from their black brothers and sisters. The General Assembly believed their request was wrong, but acquiesced “due to the weakness of some”. This concession soon became the norm. And this racism prompted the unwanted black Christians to leave and start their own churches. So the South African church, divided by race, eventually became a vocal supporter of apartheid. In 1924 the DRC argued that the races must remain separate, for “competition between black and white on economic levels . . . leads to poverty, friction, misunderstanding, suspicion and bitterness.”
How might the history of South Africa be different if the church had not conceded to the sinful request of a few ‘weaker brothers’? We’re thankful for leaders such as Nelson Mandela who devoted their lives to end apartheid. But shame on the church that their sacrifice was even needed.
Peter gave in to the ‘weaker brothers’ in Antioch (Galatians 2:12). He knew they were wrong to insist that Gentiles live like Jews but, afraid of what they might say, he refused to eat with Gentiles when these Judaizers came to town. Paul recognised that this was a big deal, for the reason these Jews split from the Gentiles put the gospel at risk (v.14). How would the history of Christianity be different if Paul had not stood up to Peter’s shameful concession?
It’s never right to do wrong because others think it’s right. We must not violate our conscience on the flimsy ground that “They wouldn’t understand,” “It’s what they expect,” or “Just this once, what will it hurt?” It may seem easier to give in, but our concession will make life harder in the long run. —Mike Wittmer
Read Romans 14 to learn how to respond to a different kind of ‘weaker brother’.
How can you tell when to give in to a weaker brother and when to stand up to him? Why is racism—especially within the church—such a horrific thing?