God is my Home
Title: God is my Home
Artwork by: Melissa Rechard (@belovedscribbles)
Description: It all started when I left home and moved to a new town with my husband. I was excited about our new home and started decorating it and making it cozy. During the first year, a flash flood happened when we were not in the house. The flood ruined my precious guitar and our brand new furniture. It was heartbreaking. Little did we know that it became an annual event for 4 years that left us devastated each time. It was a cycle of cleaning up the mess and resolving to feeling settled again.
Last year, when the flood happened, my husband and I decided to move out and rent a place. Despite having a new place to stay, I felt depressed and constantly restless. I realized that this feeling of homelessness was also aggravated by the sudden death of my father early last year. The home that I used to return to in my hometown was void of the coziness and security that I once had. It felt so empty. With the loss of my home and the grief of losing my dad, I tried finding security in a physical home. During that season of constant struggle, the Lord spoke to me over a series of events that changed my perspective.
One day as I was going up the lift in our rental, I told God, ‘Please Lord, give me a home.’ Suddenly, the lift stopped, leaving me in total darkness. In that dark space, God impressed upon my heart that this earthly home is temporary.
A few nights later, I listened to the song ‘I am no victim’ by Kristene DiMarco, the lyrics, “I am no orphan, I’m not a poor man. The kingdom’s now become my own and with the King I’ve found a home”, spoke to me so deeply. I felt so comforted that the King is my Home!
The Lord spoke to me again after I painted an eagle for my mum’s birthday (picture below) as she requested. I wasn’t aware at the time but a friend reminded me that the eagle carries significant meaning in God’s Kingdom. I learned that God wants us to be carried on the wings of an eagle so that we see His perspective, not ours.
One morning during my quiet time, I pictured myself resting on a soaring eagle’s back where I could see the mountains and valleys below. God reminded me that I just need to rest as He carries me to soar above my circumstances. The verse ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.’ (Exodus 19:4 NKJV) became so real to me.
He also gave me a vision of a huge eagle hugging and enveloping me under its wings. The verse “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1 NKJV) suddenly came alive. Under the shadow of His wings I find refuge. HE is my secret place, HE my Home! It was mind blowing! God then showed me that He is greater than all my earthly problems. That was when I saw the Eagle flying from the earth and earth started appearing so tiny. He flew into the galaxy and suddenly it became so huge that I couldn’t see the end of His wings anymore! And He said, ‘I AM INFINITE’. I was in awe.
God is infinite and greater than the vastness of the galaxies. He showed me that He is bigger than the floods that destroyed my earthly possessions, bigger than the grief I feel for the loss of my father, and bigger than my longing for an earthly home. Above all, He is my constant, he is my Home.
wow amazing
This was so touching to read! Beautiful words to live by…
Wow, this is so beautiful 🙂
Deep inside our soul yearns for intimacy and a sense of belonging. We end up searching in all the wrong places. It is in Him we discover we are truly home. We long for home…
Thank you… I needed this today.
This was perfect for me this morning!