Regardless of your Status, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Title: Regardless of your Status, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Artwork by: 
YMI X @pamistry
Description: Psst, looking for love? No matter your marital status—single, dating, married, or widowed—you ARE cherished and loved.  

It’s the time of the year again where love is in the air, from the heart-shaped balloons at the florists, to the  slew of rom-com on streaming networks, to the romantic slogans on ads  bombarding our senses from every direction. Even if Valentine’s Day is just not our kind of celebration, there’s no denying that we all have an innate desire to love and be loved. 

We all have a heart-shaped hole crying for love. And we are cherished and loved—no matter our marital status—single, dating, married, or widowed. But this hole can only be filled by Christ, not by a “significant other”. Christ is and always will be our source of love. 

This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate and fill up on the love that God has generously lavished on us, regardless of our marital status.


Couple looking at each other Happy Valentines Day


Contented single girl closing eyes

Everyone else is receiving gifts and getting romantic with someone special. You don’t mind not  having gifts, but you just wish that there was someone that makes you feel special and known. Or perhaps you just bade farewell to a difficult relationship. But know this, we don’t have to contend with loneliness, heartbreak, or discontentment. Jesus counts you far beyond special and knows you more than anyone else can. Ask Him for assurance today!



Couple holding hands in a relationship

You’re either in a new or long-term relationship. You’ve just received a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep, leaving you frolicking in how blessed you are. But somehow at the back of your mind, you’re worried that things are too good to be true and are unsure about how long this state of bliss will last. Isn’t it great that no matter where your relationship is headed, the Lord will be with you every step of the way? His love for the both of you is sure, so invite him into the center of your relationship!



Married couple holding hands looking at each other

You’re having a quiet night in with your spouse. On most days, you’re loving everything that marriage has to offer. But when things aren’t going as planned, you wonder if it’s because you didn’t put in enough effort. With open hearts and earnest prayers, trust that God will work in you, through you and in your marriage. Rely on the Holy Spirit for help and remember that God is the source of the love you share. Receive from Him today!



Married couple hugging each other struggling

You knew marriage wouldn’t be easy but you never thought you’d reach a point of wanting to give up. The blame games played, the constant conflicts, and miscommunication has blurred your vision of what Christ has intended for a marriage. But, hang in there! God sees your tears and hears your cries. It’s not impossible for Him to restore a broken marriage. Run to Him today!



Old man sitting on bench next to photograph of wife

Valentine’s Day now acts as a constant reminder of the wonderful relationship you had with your late spouse. It’s bittersweet, but perhaps more bitter than sweet. The memory of your late loved one is etched in your heart and in your mind, but you rest knowing Christ rose from the dead, eternal life is a certainty for all who believes in Him. As you tell everyone around you to hold on tight to the ones they love while they still can, God wants to tell you that you’re not alone in this too. Embrace His love today!


Landscape with quote


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