Hope Through Struggles
Title: Hope Through Struggles
Materials: Watercolor Painting
Artwork by: Janelle Loh (@thehopeletter)
Description: Whenever you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts, remember. Whenever you can’t seem to find your way out of darkness, remember. Whenever you feel alone and can’t seem to get through the next day, remember.
Remember that He’s always there with you, even in the midst of your struggle. He has not abandoned you.
He cares for you and He loves you.
When we face anything we handle we tend to look inwards …
David said this in the Psalms ….
Why are you downcast oh my soul ..
… Hope thou in God !!!!
When Isaiah said … I am ruined for I have seen the Lord ….
I am a man of unclean lips and I live among people of unclean lips …
One seraphim took a live coal from the alter and touched his lips and told him your lips have been cleansed …
Say no more of this !!!!!
Solomon said to God I am only a child I do not have the wisdom to rule ua people …
God told him because you have not asked for wealth and power …
I will greatly increase your wisdom and make your wealth like the sand of the shore!!!!
Looking inwards them we look upwards that’s how these people managed to face their fear of inadequacy …
Just Thoughts
Really inspired me the stories, I am a teacher and I want to share this to my students