3 Malaysian Christians Making an Impact in Our Nation
When it comes to serving in missions, many of us automatically think that it means having to give up our careers or lifestyles entirely, and uproot ourselves to go overseas. While not all of us may be called vocationally to be full-time missionaries in a foreign country, as Christians we’re still called to live a missional lifestyle–to share God’s love and the gospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:18-20), beginning with where He’s placed us!
And if we’d just take a look around us, we’ll see plenty of opportunities for us to be missionaries in our own nation–whether within our own communities and spheres of influence, in other states or rural areas lacking in spiritual and developmental resources, or through the foreigners God has planted in our land.
This Malaysia Day, let’s hear from 3 young Malaysian Christians who are making a difference in our very own tanah air! May it spark within you a desire to use the gifts God has given you to start sharing about His goodness!
1. Brandon Ho, TV host, actor, YouTuber, and founder of the Let’s Get Real Podcast
Connect your passion with gospel opportunities: “How can I glorify God more in what I do?”
Brandon Ho is a familiar face in the Malaysian entertainment scene. He’s also a Christian–and one who’s passionate about using his gifts and influence to open up conversations about God with other prominent Christians in Malaysia.
In 2021, Brandon started a Christian podcast, Let’s Get Real, which has featured fellow YouTubers Marianne Tan and Ho Ming Han (of TheMingThing), Minister of Youth and Sports Hannah Yeoh, and educator Miss Moey Yoke Lai. Through real conversations and personal testimonies, his show “aims to share the love and light of Christ to the next generation”.
Brandon shares, “There were two things that stirred me: How I could glorify God more in what I do, and the urgency to preach the gospel. […] My team and I weren’t sure if this podcast would succeed and resonate with others. But I said that if all of it was for the salvation of just one soul, it would have been worth it.”
Quote: “God never shortchanges us. That has been true 1,001 times in my life, it continues to be true today, and I have no doubt that it will continue to be true for the rest of my life,” he said.
Read more about Brandon and his vision behind Let’s Get Real here.
2. Isaac Goh, Principal of Micah Centre, Sabah
Ask God to show you what’s on His heart: “Volunteering will prepare [you] to see and feel the heart of the Heavenly Father for the broken world.”
After serving for 10 years as an IT professional in Singapore, Isaac Goh, who was born in Penang, realised what he really desired to do: connect with people and care for the poor.
So he packed his bags and moved back to Penang, and joined a Christian NGO called HISTEAM on a volunteering trip to Sabah. That trip set him on a new trajectory.
“During my Sabah trip, I was able to visit indigenous communities in rural parts of the state. I was heartbroken to see the needs among the rural indigenous people, especially in terms of spiritual resources, education and livelihoods,” Isaac shared.
He now serves with Micah Centre, Sabah, a cross-cultural discipleship centre for young Malaysians from Chinese-language churches to minister to the local indigenous communities of Borneo.
When asked what burden rests in his heart, Isaac said he wishes to see Sabah’s own communities rise up as God’s people, taking hold of the spiritual authority that rests upon them to bring kingdom transformation to their land.
For those who long to make a difference but are not sure where to begin, Isaac’s advice is to find and join a volunteer service demonstrating acts of justice and mercy, such as caring for the poor, teaching children, fundraising for disaster victims, carrying out disaster relief, and the like.
“Volunteering will prepare [you] to see and feel the heart of the Heavenly Father for the broken world.”
Read more about Isaac’s journey in finding his calling among Sabah’s rural communities here.
3. Heidy Quah, Co-founder of Refuge for the Refugees
Take that first step of faith and obedience: “Catch on the urgency to do more for Christ. Don’t wait till Sunday.”
It all started when Heidy Quah was just 18 years old, and had time to spare before going to college. Heidy and her best friend Andrea Prisha decided to teach English for four months at a Burmese refugee school in Sungei Besi, Kuala Lumpur.
Towards the end of her four-month stint, the school’s headmaster told her and Andrea that the school would be closed as their funding from the United Nations Refugee Agency would not be renewed. Heidy says: “I was going to pursue higher education, but here were children who were going to be robbed of their only access to education.”
So the duo raised funds for the school, turning to social media and going door to door to sell cookies. Within a week, they had raised enough money to keep the school open for six months. They then set up Refuge for the Refugees (RFTR).
The journey has not been without its challenges, but Heidy says, “We’ve seen God’s hand so clearly, that we know it’s God’s grace. When we have child-like faith and take that step of obedience, He’ll never leave you stranded. As long as it’s His will, He’ll continue to cover the bills.”
She hopes to continue to “elevate the voice of refugees”, influence policies that would protect refugees and migrant workers, and address issues of human trafficking, child abuse and child marriage.
Asked about her advice for young people, she says it boils down to following God’s call. “Find your identity in Christ and understand where your worth lies. Know your why. Many of us get so caught up chasing what the world wants, instead of asking God what He wants us to do,” she says.
“Catch on the urgency to do more for Christ. Don’t wait until Sunday; there’s so much more we can do. You’re never too young to make a difference.”
Read more about Heidy’s work with Refuge for the Refugees, and her future plans here.
What inspired Brandon Ho to start the Let’s Get Real Podcast, and what is its purpose?