ODJ: the Rock
March 18, 2014
READ: Psalm 18:1-3, 30-36
For who is God except the LORD? Who but our God is a solid rock? (v.31).
The Christian faith is a singing faith. Knowing that I love to sing hymns, a friend gave me the devotional book 101 Hymn Stories: The Inspiring True Stories
Behind 101 Favourite Hymns so I could learn the history of great songs like “Amazing Grace”, “A Mighty Fortress”, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and “It Is Well with My Soul”. Already rich in biblical truth, these hymns have stories behind them that have caused me to appreciate their message even more.
Psalm 18 is a thanksgiving song. The heading “A psalm of David. . . . He sang this song to the LORD on the day the LORD rescued him from all his enemies and from Saul”, gives us the story behind this song of deliverance (1 Samuel 18-31, 2 Samuel 8:1-14).
David tells of the danger he was in and how the Lord came to his rescue (Psalm 18:4-5,7-29). Then he reveals that there’s sovereign power waiting to be unleashed when we pray and call on God for help (vv.3,6)!
David used various metaphors to describe all the Lord was and had been to him: a rock, a fortress and a shield. “The LORD is my rock . . . my God is my rock, in whom I find protection” is the theme of David’s praise (v.2). A rock is the picture of strength and stability (vv.2,31,46). A fortress pictures a high place of refuge and security to which one might flee for safety (v.2). And a shield is a weapon of defence and protection (vv.2,30,35).
Because he called upon the Lord, David found security, stability, safety, strength and victory in Him (vv.3,6,30-36). Out of gratitude, David sang, “Praise to my Rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted!” (v.46). —K.T. Sim
365-day plan› Ruth 4:1-22
Read Psalm 28 for a similar prayer for help, where David appeals to God as his rock, fortress and shield.
What does it mean for God to be your rock, fortress and shield? How has He met you in a personal way?