ODJ: daily bread
May 1, 2013
READ: Matthew 6:9-13
Give us today the food we need (v.11).
I work for a Christian ministry whose flagship publication is titled Our Daily Bread. Maybe you’ve heard of it. ODB is a popular daily devotional that has blessed millions of readers since its debut more than 50 years ago.
The title for this beloved devotional was borrowed from what is traditionally known as “The Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4). Lately I’ve been reading up on the meaning of the original phrase.
I learned that the Greek word rendered “daily” (Matthew 6:11 KJV) by most modern Bible translations is absolutely unique in Greek literature—it doesn’t appear anywhere else. Over the centuries some have thought that the word refers to ‘bread of today’ or the ‘bread of tomorrow.’ Others have taken it to mean ‘just enough bread to keep us alive’ or ‘the bread we need’.
In his book Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes, Kenneth Bailey suggests that a second-century Syrian translation of The Lord’s Prayer gives us one of the best insights into the meaning of this rare word. The translation is rendered in English, “Give us today the bread that doesn’t run out.” Bailey believes that this was Jesus’ intended meaning, as it speaks to the universal human fear of not having enough to survive.
If we run out of the basic necessities of life such as food and water, we’re finished. It’s the same fear that gripped the widow in Zarephath as she prepared to make one final loaf of bread for herself and her only son before they died (1 Kings 17:8-12).
It’s clear that Jesus taught us to pray for deliverance from this basic human fear that can utterly demoralise the human spirit. Praying for “our daily bread” is asking the Giver of all life for the food we need (physical and spiritual) to sustain us today, tomorrow and forever.—Jeff Olson
Read John 6:32-35 and see what Jesus says about the “bread of life”.
How has Jesus’ daily bread been meeting your needs? Why is it vital that we continually seek the daily bread that only He can provide?
Thank God,have arrange time to read Bible.Read next day reference from daily bread ,night before next day.Also thank God,feel the peace of God after Pastor pray over dispute at work place with a lady.Office superior did not mention about the matter after the first call receive from him.Pray for protection ,peace,grace,mercy to fall on us,may our Lord Jesus’s blood cover us at home,work place,Chruch and other activities according to his will,may God forgive me the sinner,ask in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus,amen.
Thank God,manage to control expenses,although income is low,happy with the salvation from God.Can worship on Sunday,share God’s healing to people at work place,thank God,good response from the people.Also have worshipped on Good Friday.Thank God again have enough sleep,body condition improve,praise God,healed body’s few area.God bless
Thank God,a man from work place offer cheap rental,also thank God,have arrange to rent out flat,waiting for reply from couple looking for a place to stay,may god also help to find suitable contactor to upgrade toilet and main door,gate,need money for renovation,pray for advance rental,may our Lord pardon me the sinner who have sin,with words,action,feel angry towards a woman travelling in bus.