Search for Love
Title: Search for Love
Materials: Color Pencils
Artwork by: Moonsub Shin X YMI
Music from:
To all who are still searching and to all who have found, we hope that this video brings you warmth, comfort, and peace this Valentine’s Day.
Nice way to make realize others what they are searching that already they have with them. its true god love is always with us no matter what we will be children of God forever.His love is with us in form of sunlight, life-giving air and other daily things we ignore mostly.
I know this better than anyone. Since I was four, I have been searching for love in all the wrong places. I felt empty and miserable. I struggle with depression at times, but back than, it was terrible and constant. I secluded myself, punished myself. It wasn’t until ten years later I realized I was searching for something I already had. At seventeen, I am amazed by what God has brought me through. I can feel and sense His love all the time. It’s something I can’t explain. It’s peace and freedom.
Beautiful! Thank you for using your talents to spread the love of God