‘AGAPE’ love
“Why are we fighting these people?”
These were the words overheard by a translator in Mosul last month. It was a conversation between two injured militants. They had been wounded in the battle for Mosul, and were being treated at a field hospital by a team of Christian doctors and nurses.
Two of our friends were part of that team. They shared this story with us shortly after they got back. The hospital they served in was set up by a Christian organization. It was the only working hospital in Mosul during their time there, and they treated the wounded regardless of affiliation.
Can you imagine what those militants must be experiencing? Here are their enemies, the ones they have been taught to hate, treating them with love and compassion. This type of love is disarming. It causes people to question their hate. Not even militants are immune to this love. For it is the love of God working itself out in the lives of men.
And in this Valentine’s season, let us seek to celebrate this love. Not the sappy love we hear about in music or movies. But a love that transforms. The Greeks called it ‘AGAPE’ love, which is unconditional, unmerited and absolutely amazing. It is a love that seeks nothing in return. An overflowing love. A love that flourishes and beautifies everything around it.
I’d like to leave you with a quote from my friend who was serving in Mosul last month with his wife.
“I have witnessed true light that has shone in all this darkness. I have seen the real hope that Christ can bring, especially when his people come together to love and serve one another, despite the risks and the cost. I have seen physically scarred faces smile with a peace that surpasses understanding. I have seen bodies that have been broken, get up and rise. I have seen lives saved. And I have seen the miracles that can happen when we choose to love.. even our enemy.”
Contributed by Jason Van Dyk, God’s Fingerprints
agape someone said is God’s great love … in the Greek we have other expression of love that Peter called fraternal and this is also God’s great love to mankind … John in his epistles asked how can we say we love this God who is unseen and fail to love our brothers ??? both agape and fraternal love are equally important we can’t love others as God loves us but we can love others as God asks us to