ODJ: thank you cards

November 28, 2013 

READ: Colossians 2:6-8 

Always be thankful (3:15).

Today I read a eulogy written by a man in memory of his 6 year old daughter who died of leukemia. “Our daughter was full of gratitude for God and others,” the father shared. “She carried a little purse—containing paper and coloured pencils—with her wherever she went so she could write thank you cards when someone gave her a gift or did something nice for her.”

This young girl left a legacy of appreciation, a legacy worth emulating. Colossians 2:6-8 says our hearts will likewise overflow with thankfulness when we do the following:

• Receive Jesus as Saviour and continue to follow Him (v.6).

• Grow our roots down into Him and build our lives on Him (v.7).

• Mature in the faith we were taught (v.7).

• Refuse to be enticed by empty philosophies and high-sounding powers of this world, choosing to follow Jesus instead (v.8).

We should make thankfulness our “sacrifice to God,” states Psalm 50:14. Today Christians do not practise animal sacrifice in worship. However, the principles behind the sacrifices—forgiveness for sin and thankfulness to God—still apply. And we give thanks to God because “He is good! His faithful love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1-3). When we exhibit “thankfulness to God” (Ephesians 5:4), we proclaim His greatness and “let the whole world know what He has done” (Psalm 105:1).

In his message, “Why Give Thanks?”, ministry leader Mark Orr writes that giving thanks pleases God and brings us close to Him, makes us emotionally healthy and helps us deal with depression and lift heavy sorrow.

Whether it’s writing thank you cards for people who have blessed us or acknowledging God’s goodness, let’s strive for a life that reflects a thankful heart. —Roxanne Robbins

Ephesians 5:20 says we should “give thanks for everything to God.” What does that mean to you? 
Why is gratitude a powerful witness for our faith in God? How will you live out a thankful heart today?