Why am I so tired over Christmas?

Title: Why am I so tired over Christmas?
Artwork by: YMI X @nelsonlip
Description: Christmas promises many festivities and limitless social interactions. It should be exciting . . . right? Yet, the Christmas season also brings a period of meticulous planning for parties, church events, and more. All the preparations can easily take a toll on us. Before we know it, we’re too drained to even enjoy the festivities. Amidst the seemingly endless activities, it’s easy to forget the true reason we celebrate Christmas: Jesus. He came so that we might have peace in our messy lives. He is our Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Let Jesus be the focus of your Christmas celebrations.










Artist Feature

Nelson Lip hails from Tawau, Sabah. He is currently working as an freelance illustrator. He is actively involved in various children book illustration projects in collaboration with organizations such as UNICEF Malaysia, World Vision Malaysia, Doctors Without Borders- Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Harvard School of Public Health and The Wizarding World.

Make sure to follow him for more amazing art!
Instagram (@nelsonlip_) / Facebook (NelsonTsen).



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