Don’t Lose Heart

Title: Don’t Lose Heart
Artwork by: 
YMI X Lara (@larasimart)
Description: It has been a trying year for most of us. We may have started the year feeling like pristine jars; beautiful, untouched, and full of hope. 

But the year chipped away at us, from constant changes, unending uncertainties, to setbacks and obstacles that left us feeling empty, like broken, cracked jars, unworthy of containing anything within. 

But it’s through our cracked jars that God’s power shines the brightest, so people can see that the hope we carry within us surpasses our physical weaknesses. May we be able to look back on what we’ve endured this year, and proclaim, like Paul, that “ when I’m weak, then I’m strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).


don't lose heart

what we're up against

we live in a world filled with sin, decay, struggles, and frustrations. But we're called to be lights amidst this darkness.

How can we view our current situation

When we feel empty and weak, Christ renews us everyday

How do we not lost heart

2 corinthians 4:16-17: Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and monetary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all

therefore we do not lose heart, 2 corinthians 4:16

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