Three Wishes
If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for? Would you wish for the eradication of global poverty? Would you wish for financial security? Would you wish for good looks, good health and long life? The question itself isn’t as important as how we answer the question; for our answers reveal our character and what’s important to us. Many millennia ago, King Solomon was placed in a ‘three wishes’ predicament, and his response was both surprising and quite revealing. After firmly establishing the kingdom and faithfully worshipping God, Solomon had a dream in which God appeared to him and asked: “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!” King Solomon didn’t choose wealth, riches, security, fame or the death of his enemies, but he humbly asked for something very practical and unselfish: wisdom and knowledge to lead and govern his people (2 Chronicles 1:10).
The wisdom and knowledge Solomon sought was the ability to discern and judge human affairs faithfully and the practical skills to handle the day to day issues of the kingdom. Solomon’s humble request revealed a selfless character, the alignment of his heart with God’s heart and his desire to serve others more than an appetite to serve himself. In the end, because Solomon’s request pleased God, He not only granted his request for wisdom, but He also gave Solomon more than what he asked for—wealth, riches and fame (2 Chronicles 1:11-12, 14-17).
Jesus gives us a guideline on how to respond to the ‘three wishes’ scenario: “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33). When we seek to place God in charge of our lives, His desires become our desires, and we will refine our requests to please Him.
—Marvin Williams
Taken from “Our Daily Journey”