ODB: Helpers Needed
February 18, 2014
READ: Romans 16:1-16
The Helper, the Holy Spirit, . . . will teach you all things. —John 14:26
To some people, the term helper carries with it second-class connotations. Classroom helpers assist trained teachers in their classes. Helpers assist trained electricians, plumbers, and lawyers on the job. Because they aren’t as skilled in the profession, they might be viewed as having less value. But everyone is needed to accomplish the task.
The apostle Paul had many helpers in his work of ministry. He listed them in his letter to Rome (ch.16). He made special reference to Phoebe, who “has been a helper of many and of myself also” (v.2). Priscilla and Aquila risked their own lives for Paul (vv.3-4). And Mary, Paul said, “labored much for us” (v.6).
Helping is a spiritual gift, according to 1 Corinthians 12:28. Paul listed it among the gifts from the Holy Spirit that are given to believers in Christ’s body, the church. The gift of “helps” is just as needed as the others that are listed.
Even the Holy Spirit is called a “Helper.” Jesus said, “The Helper, the Holy Spirit, . . . will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).
In whatever ways the Holy Spirit, the Helper, has gifted you, let Him use you for His honor.
— Anne Cetas
given me so that I might serve the
body of Christ. Help me to be faithful to use
my gifts to bring You glory.
You are a necessary part of the whole.
Source: Our Daily Bread
Amen to that, Anne. I feel more encouraged now that I have read your post as I go back to our church after months of being not active (backsliding). I feel unappreciated and worthless, that doing the “small things” doesn’t make any impact, and it doesn’t call much attention and it takes more effort. But I am more encouraged to continue living my life for God and doing these “small things” for Him for I know that if I continue doing good and not grow weary, I will reap a harvest. God bless us all =)