ODJ: pizza box evangelist

February 6, 2014 

READ: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 

Now the word of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere (v.8).

My wife and I were in a local town centre trying to start spiritual conversations with people we met. We came across a 23 year old homeless person and shared the gospel with him using a method called “The Big Story”. It involves drawing circles to explain God’s story and plan of salvation. The young man had a pizza box at his feet as he sat on a street bench, so I drew on it as I explained the good news. God moved in his heart and he received Jesus as his Saviour! What’s more, later we saw him sharing the circles on the box with a man who had joined him on the bench. Then, not long afterward, the new believer in Jesus was showing them to another person.

When Paul wrote to the believers in the church of Thessalonica, he commended them for their “faithful work, . . . loving deeds . . . and the enduring hope” they possessed because of what Jesus had done in their hearts (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Paul, Silas and Timothy had brought them the gospel, and they had received “the message with joy” (vv.1,5-6). This was a beautiful thing on its own, but then the new converts began spreading the word. The apostle wrote, “Now the word of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere . . . for wherever we go we find people telling us about your faith in God” (v.8). They were living out true faith in Jesus and passionately presenting His message (vv.9-10).

As you take time today to share Jesus with a co-worker or with that stranger on the bus, the Holy Spirit just might lead them to salvation and subsequently to share their faith with others. Who knows, you might witness the launching of a pizza box evangelist!

Simply start that conversation and see where the Spirit leads. —Tom Felten

Read 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 and see where true power is found in our witness for Jesus.  
With whom will you share your faith today? Why are new believers in Jesus so naturally willing to share what God has done for them?