It’s About Jesus
John never refers to himself by name in his gospel. He is probably the ″other″ disciple of John the Baptist, who with Andrew follows Jesus (John 1:35). He is referred to at the Last Supper as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved″ (John 13:23). He has Mary, the mother of Jesus, committed to his care at the cross (John 19:26-27). He is probably ″the other disciple″ with Peter running to the tomb (John 20:2-9). He recognizes Jesus (John 21:7), and in today’s reading is not named, but referred to as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved″ (21:20).
This gospel is not about its author-no one is to share the limelight with Jesus. We would love to know how Nicodemus turned out; or the woman of Samaria; or the blind man back home with his parents; or Lazarus with his sisters; but the focus in the gospel is relentlessly on Jesus.
John’s gospel is different from the other three gospels. This gospel is more abstract and philosophical compared to the others, which are more direct. However, when I was learning Greek at Theological College, I was glad of John’s Greek, because it was the most straightforward and plain Greek in the New Testament. This is typical of John-he deals with deep subjects, but with a commitment to treat them with clarity, making them accessible to the average person.
Peter has just heard of his future martyrdom (vv. 18-19), and now he asks about John’s future. Jesus makes it clear that His disciple must follow Him (v. 22) and leave the consequences to Him. Here is the commitment of the true disciple. Here the gospel ends. Follow Jesus! He is Lord! This testimony that John wrote is true (v. 24), therefore, entrust the future into His hands.
It was said that Holy Scripture is like a vast sea in which ″a child can paddle and an elephant can swim″. This applies equally to John’s gospel. I trust you have not found yourself out of your depth.
I am Thine O Lord; I have heard
Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith
And be closer drawn to Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord
To the cross where Thou hast died
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord
To Thy precious bleeding side.
-Fanny J. Crosby
Think Through:
How are you challenged by John’s humility, depth of teaching, and accessible clarity?
What are the main lessons God has been teaching you through these readings in John?
Taken from Journey Through John: 50 Devotional Insights by David Cook.