In the moment

Read: Luke 24:13-53
They worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy (Luke 24:52).

As an educator, each spring I feel the promise of summer break beckoning me. I appreciate the respite from the usual demand to complete projects, grade papers, and participate in countless meetings. With more opportunities for quiet, summertime reminds me how often busyness can tempt me to see each commitment as merely a task to be checked off a list. Choosing to instead be present in the moment allows me to savor uncomplicated joy.

Time certainly marches on. And the simple truth of these words reminds us that life has seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Interestingly, it seems typical of human nature to focus on the painful events of life instead of fully celebrating the joy of the moment. How often do we keep moments of joy at arm’s length, as if we’re holding our breath waiting for them to end?

From the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32) to a quiet room in Jerusalem (Luke 24:33) to the moment of Christ’s ascension (Luke 24:50-52), Jesus’ followers must have experienced a myriad of emotions. For two disciples traveling after Jesus’ death, loss dominated their perspective; even the rumors of His victorious resurrection seemed a false hope soon to be disproven (Luke 24:17-24).

But as Jesus began to share a meal with them, “suddenly their eyes were opened” and they recognized Him (Luke 24:31). And perhaps at the same time they finally understood that pain and suffering will come, but above and beyond the time frame of this earth, God’s perfect plan of salvation continues to unfold (Luke 24:25-27).

Resilient joy comes as we experience through the Spirit God’s comforting presence. Instead of living in fear of loss, may we choose in every moment to savor each new encounter with His goodness.

Taken from “Our Daily Journey”