Wealth of Wisdom
Australian volunteer worker Paul Hol found a treasure while sorting through hundreds of donated books. He unearthed a first edition copy of the novel 1984, penned by George Orwell in 1948. The book still sported its original dust jacket in the color red—the rarest color for that print run. Paul’s find eventually sold for nearly $2,000 at a private auction.
The book of Job describes a different kind of highly regarded treasure. It says, “Wisdom is more valuable than gold and crystal. . . . The price of wisdom is far above rubies” (vv.17-18). Wisdom is so precious because life is full of decisions. Should I marry this man? What should I say to a friend who betrayed me? Can I afford this mortgage? We need wisdom in every situation.
Fortunately for us, “God alone understands the way to wisdom; He knows where it can be found” (v.23). And He doesn’t require us to take part in a private sale—doling it out only to the highest bidder. “[Wisdom] cannot be bought with gold. It cannot be purchased with silver” (v.15). The Bible says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you” (James 1:5).
In addition to asking God for good judgment, the Bible says, the “fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). Fearing God involves living in awe of Him. This ongoing state of reverence should prompt us to renounce evil and to align ourselves with God’s ways and His views (Hosea 14:9).
Are you facing a difficult decision today? Don’t overlook the wealth you have in God’s wisdom. Ask Him to make you aware of it. Let your respect for Him determine your decision, and trust that “wise choices will watch over you” (Proverbs 2:11).
—Jennifer Shuldt
Taken from “Our Daily Journey”