Knowing the Deeper Things
As scientists have continued to search the Mariana Trench, which lies 26,000 feet under the Pacific Ocean’s surface, they’ve discovered a new species of fish never seen before—one which researchers describe as a mix between a puppy, an angel, and an eel. It’s mind-boggling and humbling to think that even after so much time and effort has been spent trying to understand this planet, there’s still so much that we don’t know about all that God has created.
Even more important, for thousands of years men and women of God have explored the depths of Scripture to know Him better. And because we know from John 1:1 that “the Word was with God, and the Word was God” who came in the flesh (Jesus), there’s no better means through which we can know more of God than through the Bible. And yet, we can’t understand God using our own wisdom and insight—we need the Holy Spirit to guide us. Paul made this clear as he instructed, “No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:11). It’s only through the Holy Spirit that we can begin to understand the deeper truths of God (v.10).
This is a crucial reminder for me as a pastor, but also for all believers, that an essential part of reading, understanding, and teaching Scripture is the work of the Spirit. Having grown up in a Christian home, I may sometimes feel that praying before doing any of these things is a ritual that has little purpose. Not so! Praying before diving into Scripture is so vital, for without the Spirit’s help we’ll simply scratch the surface of who God is and the amazing things He’s planned for us (v.9).
—Peter Chin
Taken from “Our Daily Journey”