ODJ: Nothing at All

December 20, 2018 

READ: John 1:1-18 

The Word became human and made his home among us (v.14).

I’ve often heard the advice to “just imagine those in the audience are in their underwear” to overcome nervousness when giving a speech or making a presentation. The general idea is that imagining that people are dressed in their bare basics brings some levity to the situation and helps calm one’s nerves. But when I’m overwhelmed by the person or people in front of me, their underwear is the last thing on my mind!

While imposing personalities or large crowds can make us anxious, God’s power and amazing ways would seem enough to reduce any of us to nothing at all. In response to his earnest plea to see God’s fullness, Moses was told “no one may see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). It’s no surprise then that when John received a vision of Christ while on the Isle of Patmos, he fell at Jesus’ feet as if he were dead. And there he would probably have remained if Jesus hadn’t “laid his right hand on [him] and said, ‘Don’t be afraid!’ ” (Revelation 1:17).

When Jesus “gave up his divine privileges; . . . took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being” (Philippians 2:7), He helped replace our fear of God with love. So humble and inconspicuous was the Word who gave life to creation, that “the world didn’t recognise him” (John 1:10).

When Jesus became human and lived on earth, His followers were able to look on Him and live to tell about it. Full of unfailing love and faithfulness, they saw His glory; and He still reveals God the Father to all who seek Him (John 1:14,18). We don’t have to muster up courage in order to approach Him—Jesus has brought peace and freedom from fear as we draw near, “boldly and confidently into God’s presence” (Ephesians 3:12).

—Remi Oyedele

365-day plan: James 2:1-13

Read Isaiah 6:1-7 and consider Isaiah’s vision of God and its effect on him. 
What’s your natural response to God’s holiness and power? Think about the amazing privilege of being in His holy presence, and thank Jesus for His sacrifice.