ODJ: A Changed Mind

January 4, 2018 

READ: Romans 1:18-32 

Through everything God made, [people] can clearly see his invisible qualities (v.20).

In the last years of his life, atheist Antony Flew changed his mind about the existence of God. Famous for his academic denial of God, Flew’s understanding of DNA research changed his long-held perspective. Specifically, “the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements . . . needed to produce life” convinced him God did exist as the intelligent designer of our world.

While some might come to believe in God by the scientific evidence of unseen complexity, for many of us, simply looking at the creation that surrounds us is enough evidence. As Paul put it, “Through everything God made, [people] can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20).

Like the sun, God’s brilliance radiates throughout our world. As the psalmist wrote, “Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth” (Psalm 57:11). We need only stop to see it. Observe the cloud patterns and changing colours above you. Let the sun warm your skin. Walk along a beach and inhale the ocean spray; dance with the tide. The ocean currents, an endless source of energy, speak of God’s never-ending power.

God exists. We can be sure of it when we consider the sea, land and sky. Paul called the earth’s evidence obvious truth (Romans 1:19). Sadly, many encounter the evidence, but fail to believe in the God it reveals (v.18). Others may believe in a Creator, but fail to seek Him.

But although we naturally wander from God, Jesus has reached out to meet us, even in our doubts. Through Him, we can personally know the One who engineered our DNA and crafted the universe—the One “who is worthy of eternal praise!” (v.25).

—Jennifer Schuldt

365-day plan: Genesis 6:9-22

Read John 1:10-14 and reflect on God’s gift of Jesus to an unbelieving world. 
How has God’s creation spoken to you about God? How does knowing Jesus help you appreciate creation more deeply?