ODJ: a calling

August 29, 2015 

READ: Amos 1:1-15 

This message was given to Amos, a shepherd from the town of Tekoa in Judah (v.1).

I never wanted to be the pastor of a church. So when I was approached by the elders of my congregation and asked to consider the role, I immediately refused—telling them quite clearly that being a minister was not my calling. There was no doubt in my mind that I would be no good at it. The whole idea didn’t appeal to me, and so—in my mind—God would certainly not require me to follow such a path.

Six years later I am still pastoring the same church even though I am still no good at it. But I’ve learned that God is good, and He uses the vessels He has selected in order to fulfil His plan and purpose in His church around the world (2 Corinthians 4:7).

With that said, I don’t believe for a moment that Amos planned on becoming a prophet. The opening lines of the book of Amos tell us his background but do not dwell on the enormous upheaval that must have accompanied his call (Amos 1:1). His friends and co-workers must have thought him to be insane. Those he railed against with powerful words of conviction and accusation must have sneered and persecuted him because of his humble origins. Look at Amos 1:15 with its pointed indictment of the king and royalty. How do you think they would have responded to a mere shepherd making such proclamations? A more suitable prophet, of greater social standing would have been more appropriate.

Amos’ career move wasn’t exactly celebrated. Simply see the barrage of accusations he received in chapters 1 and 2. The move cost him everything, including his life. But a calling has nothing to do with background or gifting. It has everything to do with God’s plans and what He’ll provide for us to accomplish His will.

—Russell Fralick

365-day-plan: Matthew 21:1-17

Read Acts 2:14 and see how a lowly fisherman becomes a great preacher. See in Galatians 1:15-16 how a “Hebrew of Hebrews” (Philippians 3:5 NKJV) was called to reach the Gentiles. God doesn’t need our skills or specialties; He wants  
What has God called you to do? Why is it important for you to stay open to whatever He asks of you?