11:42:362014-12-11 13:11:35How does knowing The Hope impact you?
Hope is like a beacon of light when you feel desperate or feel like there is no way out. It spurs you on and tells you that there is still something to fight for even in your darkest hour.
Hope lifts me up from the past, enables me to endure the present sufferings, pressures and demands of life and it gives me a purpose in life and strength to move on.
Knowing the Lord has spurred me on in this journey called Life.
When faced with difficulties and disappointments, I know I am able to trust in Our Creator as He has full control; for our hope is found in none other than Jesus Christ.
Knowing the hope also influences my decisions and choices. I want my actions and words and thoughts to reflect the hope which is christ in me, the hope of glory.
Hope is like a beacon of light when you feel desperate or feel like there is no way out. It spurs you on and tells you that there is still something to fight for even in your darkest hour.
Hope lifts me up from the past, enables me to endure the present sufferings, pressures and demands of life and it gives me a purpose in life and strength to move on.
Knowing the Lord has spurred me on in this journey called Life.
When faced with difficulties and disappointments, I know I am able to trust in Our Creator as He has full control; for our hope is found in none other than Jesus Christ.
Knowing the hope also influences my decisions and choices. I want my actions and words and thoughts to reflect the hope which is christ in me, the hope of glory.