ODJ: no expert

January 28, 2015 

READ: Acts 18:24-28 

[Apollos] taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit. . . . However, he knew only about John’s baptism (v.25).

My daughter’s preschool teacher asked me to speak to the children about being a writer. Visiting parents were being presented to the class as ‘experts’ in their professions. I agreed to talk to the children, although being an ‘expert’ unnerved me a bit. I didn’t feel like an expert. That week, I’d been frustrated by a lack of good ideas and wondered if I would ever write anything of value again! I thought, You’re no expert. You’re not qualified to speak.

When it comes to talking about our faith in Jesus, many of us don’t feel fit to open our mouths. Fortunately, theological expertise isn’t required to speak for God. Apollos was a man who “taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit. . . . However, he knew only about John’s baptism” (Acts 18:25). As a Jewish man, Apollos had studied the Old Testament in detail and he knew the Scriptures well (v.24), but he had incomplete information about the Saviour.

When Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos’ outspoken preaching, they “took him aside and explained the way of God even more accurately” (v.26). With his expanded knowledge, Apollos fashioned formidable arguments and presented them in public debates. He wanted his fellow Jews to understand that Jesus was the Messiah.

Apollos may not have been an expert in every area of his faith, but he boldly proclaimed what he did know. He also was willing to continue learning what was true. Like Apollos, may we be teachable and bold as we “carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to [us]” (2 Timothy 1:14). Even if we’ve never been to Bible college or if we find parts of our faith difficult to explain, God will help us to be effective as we speak for Him. —Jennifer Benson Schuldt

365-day plan› Genesis 44:1-34

Look up Exodus 4:11-12 to see what happened when Moses hesitated to speak for God. Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 to see what Paul said about Christian qualifications. 
On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to invest time in learning more about your faith? What areas of God’s Word might you need to investigate more thoroughly?