ODJ: relational navigation
June 5, 2015
READ: Matthew 16:13-27
You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s (v.23).
Our family truly enjoys the thrills and adrenaline rush found in theme park rides. One recent ride we braved included a 170 foot drop. During the intense ride, I lost my bearings at one point and had no idea where we were headed. I was no longer in control, but simply hurtling down a twisting, turning track.
Whether through the decisions made by other people or events beyond our human control, we can’t predict where life will take us down the ‘track’—much less who will travel the journey with us from beginning to end. Circumstances and relationships change. And with those altered states, our emotions can often swing from one extreme to another.
Trying to find his bearings in the midst of quickly changing events, Peter refused to believe that God’s plan could involve the pain and death of the Messiah he had grown to love (Matthew 16:21-22). In the shifting events that would contextualise all of history, Jesus held fast to the Father’s plan while Peter desperately tried to create a plan he found more comforting. Jesus had to confront His confused disciple, stating, “You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s” (v.23).
Fear, heartache and even anger are ready responses when our lives shift in a manner we didn’t expect. The counsel we need during times of change is to place our feet on Jesus’ firm foundation (7:24). He said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, . . . take up your cross, and follow me” (16:24).
What appeared to be a catastrophe to Peter resulted in salvation being offered to all mankind (Romans 5:8-10). Accepting Jesus’ grace, goodness and guidance can bring the life navigation only God can provide (John 6:40).
—Regina Franklin
365-day-plan: John 1:1-18
Read Psalm 119:29-40 and consider our role in remaining faithful to God’s truth regardless of life’s challenges and changes.
What’s the danger in allowing circumstances or emotions to guide our decisions? How can our trust in the sovereignty of God keep us anchored in our journey with Him?