ODB: Pardoned by God

November 28, 2024

READ: Micah 7:18-20 

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin . . . ? Micah 7:18

Around the national Thanksgiving holiday, the US president welcomes two turkeys to the White House before granting them a presidential pardon. Instead of being served as the main dish of the traditional Thanksgiving meal, the turkeys safely live out the rest of their lives on a farm. Although the turkeys can’t comprehend the freedom they’ve been granted, the unusual annual tradition highlights the life-giving power of a pardon.

The prophet Micah understood the significance of a pardon when he wrote a strong warning to the Israelites still in Jerusalem. Similar in form to a legal complaint, Micah recorded God bearing witness against the nation (Micah 1:2) for desiring evil and indulging in greed, dishonesty, and violence (6:10-15).

Despite these rebellious acts, Micah ends with hope rooted in the promise that God doesn’t stay angry forever but instead “pardons sin and forgives” (7:18). As the Creator and Judge over all, He can authoritatively declare that He won’t hold our actions against us because of His promise to Abraham (v. 20)—ultimately fulfilled in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Being pardoned from all the ways we fail to live up to God’s standards is an undeserved gift that brings immense blessings. As we grasp more and more of the benefits of His complete forgiveness, let’s respond in praise and gratitude.

— Lisa M. Samra

What are the benefits of the pardon God offers? How does it prompt gratitude?

May I live, merciful Father, in gratitude because of the pardon You’ve offered me.

Source: Our Daily Bread