ODB: The Need for Wisdom
October 9, 2021
READ: Exodus 18:17–24
Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. Exodus 18:24
Growing up without a dad, Rob felt he missed out on a lot of practical wisdom that fathers often pass on to their children. Not wanting anyone to lack important life skills, Rob made a series of practical “Dad, How Do I?” videos demonstrating everything from how to put up a shelf to how to change a tire. With his kind compassion and warm style, Rob has become a YouTube sensation, amassing millions of subscribers.
Many of us long for the expertise of a parental figure to teach us valuable skills as well as help us navigate difficult situations. Moses needed some wisdom after he and the Israelites fled captivity in Egypt and were establishing themselves as a nation. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, saw the strain that settling disputes among the people was having on Moses. So Jethro gave Moses thoughtful advice on how to delegate responsibility in leadership (Exodus 18:17–23). Moses “listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said” (v. 24).
God knows we all need wisdom. Some may be blessed with godly parents who offer wise advice, and some aren’t. But God’s wisdom is available to all who ask (James 1:5). He’s also provided wisdom throughout the pages of Scripture, which reminds us that when we humbly and sincerely listen to the wise, we “will be counted among the wise” (Proverbs 19:20) and have wisdom to share with others.
— Lisa M. Samra
In what ways have you benefited from sage advice? Who might you come alongside?
Heavenly Father, help me to seek out and listen to wise counsel from the people You’ve put in my life.
Source: Our Daily Bread