Do You Know How Rich You Are?
These wonderful verses conclude the beginning of Paul’s letter. He is about to give them godly counsel on enduring as Christians, but first he finishes his lengthy introduction. In short, he says, “You are fabulously rich in Christ, and don’t you let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”
Paul wraps up his introduction by telling them that although he is not physically present, he remains vitally concerned for their spiritual growth. Indeed, he agonises over them (v. 1), probably in prayer. Who do I agonise over? Well, my children of course. I pray daily for their spiritual growth and I know many other Christian parents who are in emotional agony over their children’s spiritual condition. I constantly agonise over those I love, praying that they will never let go of Jesus.
That is exactly how Paul feels. Although he has not met the believers in Colossae personally, he aches for their growth in spiritual maturity. Specifically, he wants them to know the comfort Christ brings, to be knit together in love, and to know how rich they are to have been given the understanding that Jesus is at the heart of all God’s plans for His world (v. 2).
Do you know how rich you are? The richest man is the one who understands truths the world’s greatest minds have never understood—that the wise and successful life is the one focused on Christ. The richest woman is the one who grasps that at the heart of all God’s plans for the future is Jesus. We may read about CEOs on enormous salaries, but we are richer.
Do not let anyone, inside or outside the church, tell you any differently with “fine-sounding arguments” (v. 4). Do not be swayed by entertaining preachers who tell you that life is all about you and your happiness when it is really about Christ. Do not be charmed by highly qualified teachers who try and persuade you that Christ is anything less than the glorious divine being we met in Colossians 1:15-20. As long as we hold on tight to this Jesus, then our faith will remain strong (v. 5). I pray that everyone, especially those I love, will never let go of Jesus.
Think Through:
In verse 2, Paul longs for the Colossians to display maturity in three areas of their lives. Reflect on what God has done in your life in each of these areas.
What are some of the “fine-sounding arguments” you have heard which try to take your eyes off the Christ revealed to us in the Scriptures?
Taken from Journey Through Colossians & Philemon: 30 Devotional Insights by Mike Raiter.