ODJ: A Piece of My Heart

November 10, 2018 

READ: Habakkuk 1:12-2:12 

If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently. For it will surely take place. It will not be delayed (Habakkuk 2:3).

Senseless violence and dark injustice can make for a steady rain in life—dampening spirits in mists of grey. In the summer of 2013, a 17 year old from a rough neighbourhood jumped in front of his mother to protect her from an attack. The bullet struck and killed him, leaving his mother clutching his lifeless body in front of their home. The boy’s brother, who witnessed the crime, said later, “I lost a big piece of my heart that night.”

Habakkuk too was losing heart—bit by bit, piece by piece. All around him, he witnessed violence and injustice. The nation of Judah was struggling with the pagan nation of Assyria pressing down on them; and the effects of sin ate away at their spirits. The prophet called out to God, “O Lord my God, my Holy One, you who are eternal—surely you do not plan to wipe us out?” (Habakkuk 1:12). Habakkuk acknowledged God, His holy ways and the eternal hope he needed in his bitter, temporal circumstances.

As the prophet called out to God, he called Him “our Rock” (v.12). That speaks of God’s sovereign power and constant faithfulness. The prophet was struggling with the sin, violence and injustice of his day, but he knew he could call on the One who would listen and—one day—make things right. And God didn’t disappoint. He told Habakkuk that even though Judah’s enemies would thrive for a time and even conquer them, His judgement and punishment would “surely take place” (Habakkuk 2:3).

When you and I are overwhelmed by the harsh and unjust things we witness and experience in life, may we choose to be like Habakkuk—calling out to God and waiting expectantly for Him to answer (v.1). “Surely” He will answer and make all things right one day (v.3).

—Tom Felten

365-day plan: Acts 21:18-36

Read Psalm 33:5 and meditate on what it says about God. Read Isaiah 61:8 and consider the hope it brings as we face injustice. 
What has caused you to lose a piece of your heart? How does the promise of restoration and the full realisation of God’s justice in the future encourage you?