ODJ: When We Worship Together

May 8, 2018 

READ: Hebrews 10:16-25 

Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of [Jesus’] return is drawing near (v.25).

Author Sarah Wells, in her blog post “Church, Why Bother?” writes, “On Sunday mornings, I have the keen sense of worshipping God with other believers in my community while other believers around my community, my state, the country and the world also worship. All of those believers are strangely and mysteriously and powerfully connected to us by the Holy Spirit, and we are all together worshipping one God in a dedicated space at a dedicated time.”

Sarah hits on a key part of our worship with others—the unity we celebrate in Jesus. Unity and encouragement can be realised as we glorify God as one (1 Corinthians 14:26). As the writer of Hebrews states, “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of [Jesus’] return is drawing near” (10:25).

Sometimes believers stop worshipping with others in a local church because they’ve been hurt by people in the congregation or perhaps because their faith is waning. These are real challenges that may take time and counsel to work through. The Holy Spirit, however, can help us move past hurts and spiritual lethargy to worship our God who is so worthy of our praise (Psalm 92:1-2) and to do so together (Hebrews 10:25).

As we come as one to worship in a spiritually healthy local church, we show our unified love for God, but also for others. We can “motivate one another to acts of love and good works” (v.24). And as we do, we not only build up other believers but continue to be a part of God building His kingdom on earth as unbelievers see our love and unity.

May we pursue worshipping our great God with others—for His glory and for our spiritual vitality.

—Tom Felten

365-day plan: Job 1:1-22

Read Psalm 35:18 and consider why it’s so mysterious and powerful to worship with fellow believers in Jesus. 
What draws you to or repels you from worshipping with other believers in Jesus? Why is it so vital for you to worship with others?