ODJ: He Knows You

October 3, 2017 

READ: Psalm 139:1-24 

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me (v.1).

In The Newlywed Game, a popular game show in America that ran from 1966 up until 2013, newly married couples were asked questions to determine how well the spouses knew each other. As I reflected on the programme, I was reminded of how amazing it is that we have an intimate relationship with God—who both knows us perfectly and helps us to know Him.

This was what strengthened David when he was threatened by enemies who were out to kill him (Psalm 139:19-22). The poet turned his thoughts to God, meditating in amazement on God’s perfect knowledge of everything there was to know about him (vv.1-6). And he was encouraged that the all-knowing One was also always present (vv.7-12) and all-powerful (vv.13-18). So David could celebrate that the God who knew him perfectly was always there to guide and care for him as well (v.24). There was no place where the psalmist was outside of God’s perfect presence, provision and protection.

After meditating on God’s perfect knowledge of him (v.1), David reflected on how much he valued knowing God in return. He experienced God as too wonderful to fully understand, reflecting in amazement, “Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them!” (v.17 msg). But David understood enough of who God is to trust Him to always be with him. He wrote, “When I wake up, you are still with me!” (v.18).

The truth that the all-powerful God who knows all about us is with us every second should impact how we live by His strength (vv.23-24). Let’s be quick to run to Him, for “the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

—K.T. Sim

365-day-plan: Matthew 28:16-20

Read Galatians 2:20 and reflect on how God knew and loved us even when we did not yet know Him. 
God knows everything about you! How does that make you feel? Why? Which of God’s ‘all-’ qualities brings you the most encouragement today?