ODB: Your Safe Place
October 21, 2017
READ: Proverbs 18:10–11
The name of the
My daughter and I were arranging to attend an extended family gathering. Because she was nervous about the trip, I offered to drive. “Okay. But I feel safer in my car. Can you drive it?” she asked. I assumed she preferred her more spacious vehicle to my compact one so I responded, “Is my car too cramped?” “No, it’s just that my car is my safe place. Somehow I feel protected there.”
Her comment challenged me to consider my own personal “safe place.” Immediately I thought of Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the
Certain physical places promise longed-for safety in moments that seem dangerous. A sturdy roof overhead in the midst of a storm. A hospital offering medical care. The embrace of a loved one.
What is your “safe place”? Wherever we seek safety, it is God’s presence with us in that place that provides the strength and protection we really need.
— Elisa Morgan
Dear God, thank You that no matter what worries and concerns we have today, when we think about You, we find safety in Your presence.
God is a safe place in life’s storms.
Source: Our Daily Bread