ODJ: God’s Good Presence
May 11, 2017
READ: Romans 8:28-39
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (v.28).
As I processed the news that my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, one thought that came to my mind was, Wow, what more amazing miracles does God want to do in and through my mum? When she told me the results of the biopsy, I was thousands of miles away from her, yet somehow I had peace knowing that God was in control of the situation. After seeing Him carry my mum through a painful divorce and the loss of a child, I had no doubt that He would once again unfold His power and faithfulness in her life.
When Paul wrote to the church in Rome, he encouraged them with the reality of God’s love and presence (Romans 8:35-39). By doing so he provided them with tremendous comfort and a sense of security. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul boldly affirmed a basic truth: “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (v.28). He could have said that everything works itself out for good, but he didn’t. By pointing out God’s intervention to them, Paul revealed that God isn’t only aware of the circumstances we go through, but He’s actively and intimately involved—seeking our highest good.
Furthermore, Paul encourages us with the reality that God works for our good even in our challenges—suffering, pain, a bad diagnosis—and He has a purpose that’s greater than the circumstances that threaten us (vv.28,35).
The same amazing yet simple truth of God’s active involvement in the lives of His followers is as true today as it was in first-century Rome. No matter what circumstances we’re going through, may we remember that God works good through them!
—Estera Pirosca Escobar
365-day plan: Job 42:1-17
Read Gen. 50:14-21 to see an account of how God used hostile circumstances to accomplish something good.
How has God’s active presence in your life changed your perspective on circumstances you’re going through? What good thing has He recently brought out of a difficult experience in your life?